Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cute Picture - Baby

Take Care

Stay Together Always

Unity is Strength

Try To Smile Always

Funny Baby Jokes

You Have A Cute Baby

We brought our newborn son, Justin, to the pediatrician for his first checkup.

As he finished, the doctor told us, “You have a cute baby.”

Smiling, I said, “I bet you say that to all new parents.”

“No,” he replied, “just to those whose babies really are good-looking.”

“So what do you say to the others?” I asked.

“He looks just like you.”

Can I See The Baby

With all the new technology regarding fertility, a 65 year-old woman gave birth to a baby. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, her relatives came to visit.

"May we see the new baby?" one asked.

"Not yet… Soon," said the 65 year-old mother.

Thirty minutes had passed, and another relative asked, "May we see the new baby now?"

"Not yet," said the mother.

After another few minutes had elapsed, they asked again, "May we see the baby now?"

"No," replied the mother.

Growing very impatient, they asked, "Well, when CAN we see the baby?"

"WHEN IT CRIES," she told them.

"WHEN IT CRIES??" they demanded. "Why do we have to wait until it CRIES??"

"BECAUSE, I forgot where I put it..."

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tips to take care of your Baby's Teeth

How Do I Care for My Baby's Teeth?Good oral care starts from the beginning of your child's life. Even before his or her first teeth emerge, certain factors can affect their future appearance and health. For instance, tetracycline, a common antibiotic, can cause tooth discoloration. For this reason, they should not be used by nursing mothers or by expectant mothers in the last half of pregnancy.Since baby teeth usually emerge around six months of age, standard oral health procedures like brushing and flossing aren't required for infants. However, infants have special oral health needs that every new parent should know about. These include guarding against baby bottle decay and making sure your child is receiving enough fluoride.
What is Baby Bottle Decay and How Can I Prevent It?Baby bottle decay is caused by frequent exposure, over time, to liquids containing sugars. These include milk, formula, and fruit juices. The sugary liquids pool around the teeth for long periods of time as your baby sleeps, leading to cavities that first develop in the upper and lower front teeth. For this reason, you shouldn't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle of juice or milk in his mouth. Instead, at naptime, give your child a bottle filled with water or a pacifier recommended by your dentist. If you breast-feed, avoid letting the baby nurse continuously. And after each feeding, wipe your baby's teeth and gums with a clean, damp washcloth or a gauze pad.
What is Fluoride and How Do I Know if My Baby is Getting the Right Amount?Fluoride is beneficial even before your child's teeth begin to erupt. It strengthens the tooth enamel as the teeth are forming. In many municipal water supplies, the right amount of fluoride is added for proper tooth development. To find out whether your water contains fluoride, and how much, call your local water district. If your water supply does not contain any (or enough) fluoride, talk to your pediatrician or dentist about fluoride drops that can be given to your baby daily. If you use bottled water for drinking and cooking, be sure to tell your doctor or dentist. They may prescribe fluoride supplements for the baby.

Reasons for constipation in a breastfed baby

If you thumb through most books about breastfeeding, you are not likely to find a section on constipation. This is because true constipation in a fully breastfed baby is very rare. In fact, most experts agree that if a breastfed baby is constipated, there is something medically wrong.
Breast milk is a natural laxative; however a breastfed infant may become constipated due to the introduction of foods or formula. Formula in particular is constipating. If you have recently started giving your baby formula, this may be the reason for the constipation. The single best remedy is simply more breast milk.

Reasons: -

1. Illness that requires medical care (call your doctor!)
2. Formula consumption
3. Starting solids
1. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines constipation as a delay or difficulty in defecation (pooping) for more than two weeks. In a newborn (less than 6 weeks old), the AAFP recommends that parents contact their physician if their infant has had fewer than five bowel movements per week over a two-week period
2. Hard, pebble-like stools
3. Excessive straining and crying in pain. Some straining, grunting, and fussing is normal. Babies are learning how their bodies work. Grunting, straining, and fussing that results in a soft bowel movement is not constipation and does not need to be treated.
Remedy/Treatment for babies younger than 6 months:
1. If you have been exclusively breastfeeding, call your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and your baby needs to be evaluated by your health care professional. Constipation along with weakness, a weak cry, and reduced eating could indicate botulism. While very rare, this is a life threatening disorder and requires prompt medical care.
2. If you were providing formula as a supplement, but mostly breastfeeding, stop giving the formula and exclusively breastfeed. Cow's milk protein is very irritating to a baby's tummy and intestines. Providing only breast milk will help sooth that irritation.
3. If you have been formula feeding, start breastfeeding (if your baby is less than 2 weeks old) or get the help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to re-lactate. Even if you have never breastfed before, you will most likely be able to produce milk. If breastfeeding is simply not an option for you, use donor breast milk. You can either contact a milk bank (this could be expensive) or you can ask a trusted friend or family member for some of her milk.
Some health care providers discourage using un-processed breast milk since you could be exposing your baby to drugs or illness through the donor milk. However, if you trust this person and their baby is healthy, you most likely have nothing to worry about. This could be a great use for the frozen breast milk of friends who aren't sure what to do with their surplus supply. While you can try an alternate formula, they are not derived from human milk, therefore it is likely the problem will not be solved or could even get worse.
Babies older than 6 months:
1. More breast milk! If you are in the process of weaning, go back up on the number of feedings per day until the problem resolves. Back down on how much food or formula you are giving. See a Registered Dietitian to discuss solid foods that are less constipating for your baby.
2. Time. Usually, constipation will go away without any help from special foods or medications. Although there are over the counter treatments for constipation, talk to your health care provider before using them. Repeated bouts of constipation can be a sign of a more serious problem.
3. If you are certain it is constipation and you have approval from your health care provider, the American Academy of Family Physicians states that "Parents may give infants 1 oz of sorbitol-containing juice (such as prune, pear, or apple) to treat constipation." This should only be given to babies over the age of 6 months.
4. Some health care providers recommend giving corn syrup for constipation. This is not necessary as the other treatment options mentioned will usually work better. However, if you do decide to give your baby corn syrup, put 1 teaspoon in 2 oz. of water. Do not put the syrup directly into formula or pumped breast milk. Corn syrup works by drawing water into the intestines and stimulating the intestine to move stool on through. It is easy to overdo the corn syrup and cause diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance. Both of these problems can be harmful to your baby.

Milestones 12 to 18 Month of Age

Babies develop at all different rates but here's what to look for from 12 to 18 months of age.
At 12 months of age your baby starts to transition into toddler hood. As she becomes more active, her baby fat melts away and she begins to lose her baby features.
She understands much more than she can express and learns new words daily. That is why it is important to talk to her about everything, describe to her what you see and hear, as well as read to her daily. At this age, your toddler starts to use gestures to express what she thinks and feels. For example, she may take your hand, lead you to the kitchen, and point to the fridge and say "milk."

By about 12 months of age, children can follow a one-step command, such as "go get your toy." By 18 months, children should be able to follow more complex instructions consisting of 2 or 3 steps. At this time, children begin to engage in pretend play. They imitate their caregivers and by doing so, learn new skills. For example, you may notice your child pretending to vacuum or sweep one day.
At this time of development, your child starts to use tools, such as a spoon or toothbrush. She also begins to understand symbols and ideas. For example, while brushing her teeth, your child may pretend that the toothbrush becomes an airplane. Pretend play is a major developmental milestone. It allows your child to develop creativity and other intellectual skills.
You can enhance your child's development by doing the following activities:
- Read daily
- Encourage to use words and gestures to communicate
- Play games that provide instructions
- Provide toys that represent objects in your child's environment, such as a broom or vacuum cleaner. You probably already noticed that you toddler is active and ready to explore from the time she wakes up until bedtime (perhaps with a short break for a nap). Toddlers' motor skills advance exponentially. They walk, jump, and run in their quest to be independent. Keep in mind that they lack judgment skills, therefore they need a safe environment to pursue their discoveries.
At this age, you child should reach the following milestones:
- Learn new words daily- Build 2-word sentences by age 2- Understand 1-step commands by 12 months- Understand 2- and 3-step commands by 18 months- Use spoon- Engage in pretend play- Imitate caregivers- Point to things

Healthy Baby Food - Ideal Time to Start Consuming Juice?

Mother's milk is the best choice for healthy baby food. However, there will be a time when the baby needs much more nutrients as they grow up and mother's milk can not accomplish it anymore. This will be the time your baby needs some soft food from cereal, fruits or vegetables.
As Dr. Bernard Jensen said in his Juicing Therapy book that the best time for your baby to start consuming juice as healthy baby food is when their weight has been two times heavier or more compare to their born-weight, that is about 7 kilograms. At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk.
Some doctors have some different opinions about this idea, that is when babies attain the age of six months or at any other time when babies can hold their own plastic straw cup.
Apple juice can be the first choice for your healthy baby food after mother's milk, besides, you can choose one between white grape or pier juice. Remember that home made juice is the best. Strain the juice well and carefully to ensure your baby does not take the juice waste. Mix the juice with purified water in 1:1 portion.
You can also add one teaspoon of green leafy vegetable juice to your baby's milk bottle once in two days. Spinach, broccoli or parsley are perfect healthy baby food, they are source of Ferrum (which milk alone can not accomplish), electrolyte and chlorophyll. Anemia case in babies who are merely feed more milk and less soft solid food is not impossible thing.
Therefore, this green vegetable juice is one thing you have to pay a lot of attention, one teaspoon only not more, you have to consider its high concentrate, too.
It is important to notice that, if your baby react to some certain juice by diarrhea or vomiting, leave and wait for some another one-month and then try again. If the problem still persist, you better talk to your doctor.
As your baby growing up and they are getting more and more body weight, reduce the water content in their juice gradually so that finally they will consume the wholly juice.

Start Feeding Your Baby From Conceive Period

When you think of feeding a baby, you will probably think first of breast feeding and bottle feeding with baby formula, and then the time when solid foods are introduced. Those phases, though, are not the first phase of baby feeding. That takes place from the moment of conception through to birth.
Feeding your baby in the womb is as important as after the baby is born. This means, of course, feeding yourself well during pregnancy. The equation is simple when it comes to feeding a dependant baby inside the womb. A good healthy, well balanced diet for mum will mean a good healthy balanced diet for the growing offspring.
The pregnant mother's nutritional requirements do change a little during pregnancy, and this is something you should discuss with your midwife or doctor on your first visit. In many countries you will given leaflets about your pregnancy and what to expect, and you should take particular note of the dietary aspects so you get into some good eating, and drinking, habits, right at the start.
It really is worthwhile getting your diet right during pregnancy, and you will probably be advised on supplementation. When my wife announced she was pregnant a couple of years ago (I was still sleepy when she came back in the bedroom and thrust the test kit before my eyes with its positive result!), I was at the pharmacy within a few hours getting a woman's supplement with extra folic acid.
My wife already had an excellent diet with a lot of fruit, vegetables, and fish, and is fortunately a great cook who enjoys cooking. Then, a pregnancy spanner was thrown in the works. Morning sickness came quite soon, although it was in the evenings. Maybe this was some kind of time difference problem with us being in the Philippines and my genes being English, an 8 hour time difference?
That is just fanciful, of course, morning sickness can occur any time, though morning is the most "popular". But the sickness was accompanied by something a bit more drastic: she could not tolerate even cooking her favourite foods, let alone eating them.
We managed to struggle thorough a couple of months with that problem, then things started to return to normal. Fresh vegetable soup became a mainstay of the diet, with extra milk and the supplements, which our doctor approved of at the first clinic visit. She confirmed extra folic acid was a must.
My wife is one of the healthiest people I have ever come across, so she stood a good chance of producing a healthy baby, in a country where child birth problems are distressingly high. She was food conscious throughout, and that certainly paid off once the baby was born. Saffron was a healthy baby from birth, and her mum had a prolific supply of breast milk.
That is another important aspect of the pregnancy diet, you are not just feeding the baby in the womb, you are preparing for the post birth period when you will need to produce breast milk. The benefits of breast milk over formula are substantial, especially for the baby's immune system.
So the basic message for a pregnancy diet is:
1. Get your doctor's or midwife's advice on diet and supplements.
2. Stick religiously to a healthy balanced diet.
3. Deal with any food fads or dislikes as best you can.
Having seen the benefits with our Bouncing New Baby in December 2003, and her amazing immune system since, it is well worthwhile I assure you