Monday, March 3, 2008

How Baby Sound In The First Year Of Her Life Helps For Language Development?

From birth to one year you will hear your baby sound in the form of crying to cooing to talking.

This baby sound is a sign for the development of her speech and language skills.

What type of baby sound you can observe from birth to one year?

One month:

Your baby at one month old can understand the speech before she begins to speak.

From the birth she will look at your face and listens to your voice. You can observe a small range of baby sound that will mean something to you.

With this sound she expresses the feelings of hunger, upset or cold and pain. The baby sound includes crying and certain sounds that she makes while breathing. When your baby is feeding she makes sucking noises and sound of happiness.

Baby’s cry is an important way to communicate. Crying is the foundation for speech as your baby learns to control the air that comes from her lungs and learns how to use her vocal cord.

Two months:

A two month old baby pays more and more attention to her world. She will be fascinated by the sound of your voice and will follow it with great concentration. The different tones of your voice will keep her fascinated for short periods of time.

Your baby sound with a variety of cooing sounds, vowel-like sounds, and sometimes some constant sounds such as a “K”. You will find a collection of cooing baby sound that she uses to communicate with you.

You can encourage cooing baby sound by talking to your baby as much as possible. Look directly into your baby’s eyes to show that you are listening. This helps to establish signals of communication between both of you.

Three months:

At this age your baby will identify your voice and will turn towards you when she hears your voice. She starts laughing loudly. Your baby sound is in such a fashion as “ahhhh gooo”.

Continue talking to your baby, as well as sing to her and read her stories. The more you communicate with your baby and let her know that you are listening the more she will attempt to communicate with you.

Four months:

At this age your baby is learning more and more ways to communicate with you. She will be smiling instinctively at everything around her. There will be lot repetition to the baby sound that she makes.

You have to respond to your baby sound like “oohs” and “ahhs” with your own voice. This is the “chat time” for both of you. Your baby makes some signs through which you will know that when she is not in the mood for talking with you.

She will turn her head in the other direction and may put her arms over her face. By crying she shows the signs of anger and frustration.

Five months:

At this period your baby will makes some mimic sounds and gestures which allow her to express her needs. She will be able to let you know if she is happy or sad. If your baby needs something she will start babble until you respond to her.

If you respond to your baby sound she will repeat her noises often because she knows that in this way she can get your attention.

Your baby will now be observing your mouth when you talk. She is learning to control her vocal sounds as she observes your response to her sounds.

Six months:

At this age you can hear baby sound which consists of constant-vowel combinations. She is able to discover her image in the mirror and she can communicate with her “playmates”. Your baby can communicate in a more accurate way.

There are several ways that you can help your baby to continue to develop his language skills by:

  • Speak clearly, slowly and accurately with your baby.

  • Help your baby to identify objects as you say their names.

  • Use very short sentences.

  • Repeat singing songs and nursery rhythms. This will help your baby to learn.

  • Read as possible as you can to your baby, ask questions about the images in the book so that she will be interested in you.

  • Allow your baby to respond in her own way.

Seven months:

At this age your baby continues to learn how to use her language skills. She learns how to wave goodbye. Your baby sounds some words like “mama” or “dada”.

Eight months:

At this period your baby learns to play games such as pat a cake and peek-a-boo. Though she can’t speak the word of these games, she can babble and talk to himself. Your baby can understand the meaning of the word “no”, even though she doesn’t like hearing them.

Nine months:

Continue to play lot of games with your baby, especially those games that involve singing. Your baby is responding to small sentences such as “take mummy’s hand”.

Ten months:

Your baby sound becomes more accurate and language skills continue to develop. She will be using her own gibberish language to interact with you.

Eleven months:

Your baby sounds some short, one syllable words such as “bye” and continues to talk in her gibberish language. There are many ways that you can help to improve your baby sound and language:

  • Talk with your baby using simple words to identify objects in her life. Tell the numbers, colors, animals, and trees as you take your baby for a walk. Call your baby frequently with her name so that she can recognize it.

  • Listen patiently to your baby sound. Respond to her sound in a positive way.

  • Introduce concepts to your baby, such as the “big” dog or “little” mouse.

  • Give your baby time to get her words out.

  • Continue to read your baby as much as possible.

Twelve months:

At this age your baby’s language skills continue to progress as she discovers more and more things around her world. You can hear your baby sound perfectly and accurately.

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