Monday, March 3, 2008

Most of the parents are worried about their baby’s growth patterns.

Most of the parents are worried about their baby’s growth patterns.

Regular visits with the pediatrician can help to main the normal baby growth.

Your pediatrician can use growth charts as tools to keep track of your baby growth and development.

The doctor will measure your baby’s length, weight, and head circumference in each checkup.

Then the doctor compares your baby growth measurements to a chart of national averages for infants of the same age and sex.

Hence the doctor will be able to tell you what percentile your baby is in when compared to averages for babies around the nation.

There are many issues that come into play when determining where your baby growth statistics will fall in the percentile chart.

You have to remember that no two babies are the same and that every child depends on the body chemistry, heredity, diet, and many other factors. These measurements, charts, and percentile points are only guides for a doctor to help in evaluating your baby growth.

You can also track your baby growth at home, but the measurements you take at home may or may not be as accurate as the measurements your doctor takes.

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